In the middle ages occur a heated debate between reason and faith or between Church and among the proletariat of Europe. It happened for a little over 8 centuries. They were forced to follow a doctrine that has been issued by the Church in dogma-dogma of the Church. They were also forced to forget their culture used to be, namely Greece and Roman culture. However, the longer they will feel increasingly kejanggalaan of the doctrine that they received it. Feels is beyond the rational intellect (irrational). Hegemony between reason and faith really unbalanced in that era.

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In that sense lost total faith and absolute win. This century has been to expose human progress lags in the realm of human thought, but it's been proven that it is able to advance quickly. This century has also been filled with black sheets in the form of the destruction of those that think creatively outside of the dogma of the Church, because his thoughts are opposite or different personalities with the mind of the Church at the time. This century is not only slow, more than that, the philosophy of backwards in this century never add, any previous heritage of this century cannot afford. Many people are annoyed seeing the domination of the Church over the Europeans.They want to immediately put an end to the dominance of it.
They worry, howeversuffered the same fate with their comrades who had been sent to the afterlife through torture. Like a distinct figure Saint Coppernicus opinions with the church about the center of the solar system. According to him the center of the solar system is the Sun (heliosentris). Meanwhile, according to the Church, bumilah as the center of the solar system (geosentris).
However, there is also a brave torrential flow is able to fight it. The man was one of these was Rene Descartes famous philosophy of Rationalism. See the circumstances that so badly in the middle ages in Europe, then some of them performing an renewal movement to be born again as a human being born in the sense that tebebas from kungkungan Church (dogma) or in other languages as age of enlightenment.

A. Aufklarung Era Philosophy of enlightenment (Age of Enlightenment in the United Kingdom-speaking literature)

A time around the 18th century in Europe known to have the spirit of the revision ofthe old beliefsShove off from this pemikirian, the community began to realize the importance of discussions and scientific thought. Aufklarung gives incredible confidence and position to human minds. Figures who pioneered this period embed to my followers and the people at the time that human reason must be used to answer life's problems and his life. Immanuel Kant ever make a writing titled.

What Is Enlightenment? (What is aufklarung?). According to Kant, the enlightenment is a free man from a sense of immaturity. While his own immaturity is the incapacity to use personal reasoning and a desire to always refer to and use the opinions of others, or in other words always agree with people are saying. The human being is not ripe not because he did not want to think, but because he was afraid to use his own understanding. As long as it still relies on an understanding of other people, as long as that person will never mature. And therefore, will not be enlightened or forward. The motto of enlightenment that is very popular is Sapere Aude! that means the courage to use your own understanding. As the background, humans see the advancement of Science (science, biologyphilosophy and history) has achieved encouraging results. On the other hand the course of philosophy of a trembling voice. For it is needed effort so that philosophy may develop parallel to the natural sciences. Isaac Newton (1642-1727) provides the basics of thinking with induction, i.e. dotted thought decline in symptoms and a return to the basics of common. For that required analysis.
Thus the age of enlightenment is a new stage in the process of human emancipation the West had begun since the Renaissance and the Reformation. The figures of this era Aufklarung also designed special programs are struggling against the dogma of the Church. His weapon is the facts of science and rational methods.

B. Enlightenment In Germany, the United Kingdom And France

1. Enlightenment In Germany in General Enlightenment in Germany were not so hostile attitude towards the Christian religion as was the case in France. Indeed people also tried to attack the foundations of the faith based on revelation, and replace it with a religion based on nature of pantheistic feeling, but it runs without the war. That became the center of attention in Germany is ethics. People aspire to change the teaching of morality based on revelation

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