Understanding Ontology, Epistemology, and Axiology


Philosophy discusses everything that exists that may be either abstract or real, including God, man and the universe. So to understand the problem of philosophy is very difficult without any mappings and maybe we can only master some of the breadth of the scope of philosophy.

Systematics of philosophy in general there are three main discussion or part that is; epistemology or theory of knowledge that discusses how we acquire knowledge, ontology or theory of the essence that discusses the nature of everything that gives birth to knowledge and axiology or value theory that discusses the use of knowledge. Studying these three branches is very important in understanding the philosophy that is so vast the scope and extent of it.

A. Understanding Ontology

According to language, Ontology comes from the Greek language: On / Ontos = exist, and Logos = science. So, ontology is the science of being. Meanwhile, according to the term Ontology is the science that discusses the nature that exists, which is the ultimate reality both in the form of physical / concrete and spiritual / abstract

There are several notions of ontology according to the characters of philosophy include:

1. According to Suriasumantri (1985),

Ontology discusses what we want to know, how far we want to know, or, in other words, an assessment of the theory of "exist". Ontological studies will answer the questions:

a) whether the object of science to be examined,

b) how the essential features of the object are, and

c) how the relationship between the object with the power of human capture (such as thinking, feeling, and sensing) that led to knowledge.

2. According to Soetriono & Hanafie (2007)

Ontology is the principle of applying the limit or scope of being into the object of study (ontological object or formal object of knowledge) and the interpretation of the nature of reality (metaphysics) of the object of ontology or formal object and can be the foundation of science which asks what is reviewed by knowledge and usually related to the realm of reality and existence.

3. According to The Liang Gie View

Ontology is part of a basic philosophy that expresses the meaning of an existence whose discussion covers issues:

·  What does it mean to exist?
·  What are the groups of things that exist?
· What is the nature of reality and things?
· What are the different ways in which entities from different logical categories (eg physical objects, universal notions, abstractions and numbers) can be said to exist?
4. According to Encyclopedia Britannica Which is also lifted from Aristotle's Conception

Ontology That is the theory or study of being / being like the basic characteristics of all reality. Ontology is synonymous with metaphysics ie, philosophical studies to determine the real nature of an object to determine the meaning, structure and principle of the object. (This philosophy was defined by Aristotle of 4th century BC)

The most common sense of ontology is part of the field of philosophy that seeks to find the essence of something. This understanding becomes widened and studied separately according to the scope of its own scientific branches. The notion of ontology becomes very diverse and changes with time.

An ontology provides an explanation for explicit explanation of the concept of knowledge representation on a knowledge base. An ontology can also be defined as a hierarchical structure of terms to describe a domain that can be used as the basis for a knowledge base. " Thus, ontology is a theory about the meaning of an object, the property of an object, and the relation of the object that may occur in a domain of knowledge. In summary, in philosophical review, ontology is the study of something that exists.

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